
Ratliff Ends PCST Career With 2 Team Records! In his last meet with the Tsunamis before heading to Florida State University, Jonathan Ratliff set two new PCST Team Records.  Ratliff, swimming at the 2014 USA Swimming Junior National Championships in Irvine, California established new marks in the 50 meter Butterfly (26.85) and 100 meter Butterfly (57.28).  Jonathan additionally swam to a lifetime best time of 54.17 in the 100 meter Freestyle, which is the third fastest time all time for PCST.  Congratulations to Jonathan and good luck with the Seminoles!

Tsunamis Close Summer at Coast SC Meet! For some Tsunamis, it was the third meet in three weeks, but that did not slow down PCST at the Coast SC Meet in Destin July 26-27.  Nearly 40 PCST Tsunamis took advantage of the rare short course opportunity and posted some very fast results.  Statistics from the meet are listed below: High Point Award Winners 1st Place - Addison Pack (8&U Girls), Sean Adams (11-12 Boys), Gabe Grauvogel (13-14 Boys), Hannah Retherford (Senior Girls), Logan Flitcraft (Senior Boys) 2nd Place - Shane...

Southeastern Long Course Championships – Natalie McKenzie Posts Four Top 5 Finishes; PCST Places 19th overall! Thirty-five PCST Tsunamis competed in the 2014 Southeastern Swimming Long Course Championships at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.  The meet featured more than 1000 athletes representing more than 60 teams from Tennessee, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle.  Highlights from the meet included 10 year old Natalie McKenzie placing in the top 5 overall four times; Fourteen New PCST Team Records being established; Five Tsunamis placing in the Top 8 overall; and PCST finishing...

Sixteen New SES Cuts Achieved at PCST Last Chance Long Course Meet! The softball world series was not the only big athletic event at Frank Brown Park this past weekend.  PCST swimmers combined to achieve sixteen new Southeastern Long Course Championship Qualifying Times at the PCST Last Chance Long Course Meet.  The meet featured 153 swimmers from Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee.  Congratulations to all swimmers for a great Long Course season and looking forward to Southeasterns!  Statistics from the meet are listed below: New Southeastern Qualifying Times (16): Gretchen Freisthler...

Shane McEliece Leads PCST at DDST Waterworld Meet! Shane McEliece won each of his ten individual events as the Panama City Swim Team Tsunamis competed in the Dothan Dolphins Waterworld Meet June 21-22.  Nearly 20 Tsunamis participated in the short course meet and enjoyed a great night of fun at the waterpark!  Statistics from the meet are listed below: High Point Award Winners (Top 8 in each Age Group were given) 1st Place - Shane McEliece (8&U Boys) 4th Place - Ben Parsons (8&U Boys), Colin McEliece (10&U Boys), Cole...

Tsunamis Win Top Visiting Team at ATAC Long Course Meet! OK, it got a little hot on Sunday, but not a drop of rain for three days!  More than 40 PCST swimmers took the title of Top Visiting Team at the ATAC Long Course Swim Meet July 27-29 in Tallahassee.  This was one of the best ATAC Long Course meets in years with more than 500 swimmers representing 37 teams!  Some highlights for the Tsunamis were 24 new SES cuts including 5 brand new qualifiers, 14 new PCST Team Records,...

It was a wonderful night to reflect on a great year of swimming!  The 2014 PCST Awards Banquet was held Saturday June 14 at the Forrest Park United Methodist Church in Panama City.  The night began with a wonderful dinner, followed by the Swim-A-Thon Raffle and the terrific slide show (thanks to Kathy Gelsleichter for the great job on the slide show).  We then welcomed our new officers to the PCST Board of Directors.  Our new officers are Brett Troia (President), Troy Lindig (Vice-President), Kathy Gelsleichter (Secretary), and Debby Hove...

Two Big Honors for Jonathan Ratliff! PCST Senior Jonathan Ratliff earned two great honors this week for his efforts both in and out of the pool.  First, Jonathan was awarded the Mac Crutchfield Memorial Scholarship on Tuesday June 17.  Mac's mother Maggie Crutchfield made the surprise presentation to Jonathan in front of his teammates in the Senior Group before practice.  Jonathan will use the scholarship this Fall as he heads to Tallahassee to attend Florida State University.  Secondly, Jonathan was named a High School All American in both the 200...

New Team Records Set at Coast LC Meet! WMBB Story - WJHG Story - Despite a few weather delays, the swimming was outstanding at the 2014 Coast Aquatics Surf & Swim Meet at Frank Brown Park May 30-June 1.  PCST was led by Natalie McKenzie and Kari Troia who each set new Tsunami Team Records at the meet.  Thirteen year old Nico Gobel was our only multiple event winner (200 Free, 200 IM), while McKenzie, Jonathan Ratliff, Ayman Andrews, and Shane McEliece each added one event win in the...

Tsunamis Partner With PT Solutions! The Panama City Swim Team is happy to announce a partnership with PT Solutions Physical Therapy.  PT Solutions has come on board as a sponsor for PCST and will provide on site visits to help the coaches and swimmers on preventative maintenance of muscles and joints.  Additionally, PCST swimmers may visit PT Solutions for FREE initial screenings.  Jennifer Hodges of PT Solutions is a former PCST swim coach and worked with Coach Brian Haddad in Mobile, Alabama at CMSA.  She is very knowledgeable about swimming...