PCST Awards Banquet Wrap Up!

It was a wonderful night to reflect on a great year of swimming!  The 2014 PCST Awards Banquet was held Saturday June 14 at the Forrest Park United Methodist Church in Panama City.  The night began with a wonderful dinner, followed by the Swim-A-Thon Raffle and the terrific slide show (thanks to Kathy Gelsleichter for the great job on the slide show).  We then welcomed our new officers to the PCST Board of Directors.  Our new officers are Brett Troia (President), Troy Lindig (Vice-President), Kathy Gelsleichter (Secretary), and Debby Hove (Treasurer).  Next came the recognition of our five Seniors who will be moving on this Fall.  We will truly miss this year's Senior class:  Sofi Liinpaa, Caitlin Myers, Hali Naggiar, Jonathan Ratliff, and Taylor Wilder.  We concluded the evening with our swimmer awards for the season (awards listed below).  Thanks to everyone who helped make this event such a great night for our families.

Performance Awards:
8&Unders - Sophia Coughlin & Danny Matacchiero
9-10 - Amelia Schaefer & Alex Fulton
11-12 - Reagan Swindler & Gabe Grauvogel
13-14 - Kari Troia & Shane Williams
Senior - Caitlin Myers & Jonathan Ratliff

Group Leadership Awards:
Hannah Altman, Sophee Beall, Cole Brusher, Maddie Campbell, Tyler Caskey, Caroline Freisthler, Nico Gobel, Kate Higgins, Kalanne Krause, Emma Martin, Danny Matacchiero, Gianna Matacchiero, Natalie McKenzie, Truman Parsons, Alexis Pentzer, Hannah Retherford, Luke Station, Noah Vaden, Jordan Vahabzadeh

Outstanding Improvement Awards:
Sean Adams, Kai Allred, Lily Bradford, Mitchell Campbell, Matt Cassidy, Hank Crye, Olivia Dunbar, Hannes Grauvogel, Jessica Hosea, Bella Loos, Blake Martin, Chad McGuire, Madeline Olive, Addison Pack, Alex Phlegar, Nathan Reynolds, Hope Smith, Reagan Swindler, Lee Tuggle