Usage Policy for PCST Logo and Copyrighted Materials
This usage policy provides you with guidelines to help you avoid infringement of PCST copyrights and trademark issues. This policy is subject to change at any time and without notice. This policy is not intended to serve as legal advice: should you have questions regarding your legal rights or duties, please consult your legal advisors.
The PCST logo, Tsunami Logo, "Catch the Wave" slogan, and the Panama City Swim Team name are valuable property of the Panama City Swim Team, Inc. because they represent the high standards to which the team holds itself, its athletes, and the information and materials it provides to members of the team. Membership in the Panama City Swim Team does not give the member a license to utilize any of the PCST marks, however membership does give an individual special privileges as indicated in the paragraphs below. Any person or group identified as utilizing the PCTS marks for profit without the prior written authorization of the PCST Board of Directors will be subject to prosecution.
Web Site Usage and Linking
The power of the Internet comes from the ability to use hyperlinks to connect web pages. Hyperlink is a tool that allows an end user to connect to a different web page or web site by clicking on hypertext to go to relevant information quickly. Linking directly to PCST pages is strongly encouraged and does not require prior permission from the PCST Board of Directors as long as the following guidelines are observed.
Only hyperlink where there is a requirement for information on PCST membership or programs. All links to PCST web pages must appear as hypertext without use of the PCST logo. All links must clearly identify that the user is leaving your site and accessing external content. In no case should the perception be given that PCST content is your own, nor should they imply any affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship of your goods and services by PCST. In all cases the hyperlink should open a new window on the end user computer to display the PCST pages.
Personal Use
All of the PCST marks may be used by members on name tags, rosters, newsletters, event fliers, meet materials, and on specialty merchandise when ordered specifically for personal use by the member and not for resale. This usage does not require special permission from the PCST Board of Directors as long as it is not used to market or endorse goods or services of any kind, used to defame PCST in any way, or used in connection with objectionable material as determined by the Panama City Swim Team.
Commercial Licensing
The Panama City Swim Team does license its marks for commercial use by approved vendors. If you or your organization are interested in offering merchandise or services branded with the PCST marks please contact the Board of Directors. The PCST Board of Directors reserves the right to restrict all usage of its marks and any decision regarding their licensing. The decisions of the board are final.
Panama City Swim Team's permission for an individual or organization to use the marks does not create any rights to the mark or any of its components. The Panama City Swim Team name and all marks are and shall remain at all times the sole and exclusive property of the Panama City Swim Team.
For access to the official logos please contact the Board of Directors.
The Panama City Swim Team would like to thank the Faulhaber Family for their dedication to the team and for the time spent developing the PCST Tsunamis logo. Their creativity has given us an image we can all be proud to be associated with. The PCST logo and the associated marks are utilized courtesy of the Faulhaber family.