PCST is often at Max Capacity.  Interested swimmers may be placed on a waitlist until a spot comes available.

Panama City Swim Team: Registration Process


There are several steps to take before your swimmer can start practicing with the Panama City Swim Team.  Please use the following guide to expedite the registration process:


  1. **FIRST** Contact Coach Hope (Coachhopeb@gmail.com)
    • When contacting Coach Hope, please provide your athlete’s name, age, school grade, any experience, and your preferred practice location Frank Brown Park, Gulf Coast State College, or Mosley High School.  Please note, we do not offer all practice groups at all of our locations (specifically Gulf Coast and Mosley High School)
    • If you are unsure which location best suits your family’s practice time, please see our current practice schedule. After your athlete’s evaluation, you will be given information on how to complete the registration process. 
  2. ​Schedule an evaluation
    • ​​Evaluations are held regularly. After contacting our Coach Hope, you will be provided with a date and time for the evaluation. 
  3. Show up to the evaluation with suit and goggles ready to swim
    • The evaluation will take approximately 15 minutes and will require your swimmer to get into the water. 
    • A coach will be on deck to evaluate the swimmers current skill set and provide general information on the team and the group/program is most appropriate for your swimmer
    • At the conclusion of the evaluation, your child must exit the water, he/she will not be permitted to stay in the water after the conclusion of the evaluation
  4. Follow-Up with Coach Hope
    • ​​After his/her tryout, Coach Hope will follow up via email with the recommended program/group for you child
    • In that follow up, he will include a start date and registration information
    • ATTENTION.......No athlete will be allowed in the water after their evaluation date without having officially registered online with PCST and USA Swimming first.
  5. ​Register Your Swimmer Through the Online Portal
    • ​​The Online Registration Portal is found by clicking the “Year-Round Registration Portal" button on the homepage.   
    • Please follow the instructions to create your family account and register your swimmer for the group they were given during the evaluation
    • You will be notified when your registration has been accepted


A break down of our registration fees, monthly fees, and additional policies can be found with our Fees & Policies