
All American Swim Supply Provides Tsunamis With Swimming Gear, Apparel and All Things Aquatics! We are proud to announce a new and exciting partnership with a very well established and highly recognized team vendor!  The Tsunamis welcome All-American Swim Supply as our team store to help you with all of your swimming gear and apparel needs.  Many of you have already had great experiences with them as they have attended a couple of our meets already as the team vendor.  They are incredibly nice, very professional and do a fantastic...

Three Of Our Finest Senior Tsunamis Sign Scholarships/Committments To Swim In College For The Fall of 2012! It has become an annual occurrence for PCST swimmers to be heading off to swim in college. The PCST graduating class of 2012 is not only bringing it's 6th straight Valedictorian to the table (congratulations Chet Seaman!), but also three great Tsunamis who will be heading off to their choice campus in the fall to compete for their collegiate swim team. These are very exciting times and we are incredibly proud of the...

Tsunami Age Groupers Continue Their Great Season in Mobile! Let's face it.............the PCST Age Groupers have been on fire lately!!  Coach Brian has got them excited, working harder than ever, coming to practice more consistently than ever, and the hard work is paying off in dividends!  Over the weekend, a small army of PCST swimmers attended the Spring CMSA Meet in Mobile, AL at Bishop State College.  They returned home with new team records, new Southeastern cuts, many awards, lots of best times, and tons to be proud of.  Check...

PCST Masters Show Off Their Improved Swimming Skills at White Sands Triathlon 2012! Although the PCST Masters swim team is only a moth and a half old, the program is already up to 34 swimmers!!  And yes, I mean SWIMMERS!  They have been doing a great job with Coach Phillip and are improving tremendously.  As Phillip pointed out to me after going through all of the White Sands Triathlon results over the weekend, all you had to do to find our swimmers was look for a swimming time that was...

Tsunamis Thrive Even In Poor Weather Conditions at the "Paradise" Invitational! While the terminology "Tsunamis" and "Paradise Invitational" can be somewhat contradictory, they both proved to be accurate for our season opener meet this past weekend.  The meet started off with a number of great swims in absolutely gorgeous "paradise-like" weather........but that was Friday.  Wow what a difference a night can make.  Saturday morning brought dark clouds, thunder and lightning as our seniors were only able to swim relays and one event.  That didn't stop us from breaking an all-time...

PCST Posts Highest Team Finish Ever at NCSA Junior Nationals Championships! For the first four years of coaching PCST, it was my dream to take a really strong team to Junior Nationals in Orlando, making 2012 a dream come true before we even set foot on the deck.  With six swimmers qualifying in at least 3 events each (plus 3 relays), we have finally reached the point where we are a team that deserves to be recognized at a national level championship meet.  To put extra icing on the cake though,...

Victoria Hove's 400 IM Victory Highlights a Very Exciting 2012 Southeastern Championships! Before the meet ever got started, I looked through the psych sheet to see how we stacked up against the other teams.  What I found was probably the most competitive Senior division that has ever existed at the Southeastern Championships.  Times that would have easily made Top 16 or Top 8 in the past just flat out were not going to cut it this year.  Southeastern Swimming has gotten faster!  But that's a good problem because greater competition...

Tsunamis Shine at Districts in Every Single Age Group! There was a reason I wanted as many Tsunamis to attend the District Championships in Pensacola as possible............because we had a blast swimming fast!  (And I knew that was going to be the case!).  While we did not achieve our team goal of 75 swimmers entered in the meet, we got very close with 68.  When all was said and done, we ended up having about 60-62 Tsunamis compete because a few of you got bit by the sickness bug.  But...

Phillip Wood Becomes Newest Member of PCST Full Time Coaching Staff! With seven years of coaching experience under his belt already, Phillip Wood brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge to the Panama City Swim Team.  Throughout the years, he has worked with various levels ranging from the younger age group swimmer all the way through the most experienced senior level athlete.  Some of his greatest accomplishments have come with his most recent venture with the Hoover Blue Thunder Swim Team (aka HBT), while also previously building numerous top level swimmers...

The Long Awaited Panama City Swim Team Masters Program Is Finally Here! You heard right!  The Panama City Swim Team is now an official member of United States Masters Swimming as well as USA Swimming.  Wanna guess who the first ever member is for PCST????  You guessed it...........Coach Brian!!!  :) maybe not Brian, haha.  But wouldn't that have been cool?  Maybe one day we will get Brian to join the PCST Masters program.  Actually, the first ever PCST Masters swimmer!  Historical First Meet Took Place in Auburn! Back...