Exciting New PCST Programming at Mosley High and Frank Brown Park!

Exciting Times Are Ahead As PCST Now Offers Novice & Age Group at Mosley High School Pool, Plus High School Conditioning Group at Both Mosley and Frank Brown Park!

For those of you who have been a part of our swimming community for as long as I have, you are probably just as excited about this announcement as I am.  The Panama City Swim Team is joining efforts with long time Bay County swimming coach, Steve Burdeshaw, to offer year round competitive swimming with the Tsunamis at Mosley High School!  In addition, PCST is now offering a High School Conditioning Group at Frank Brown Park!  It's been a long time in the making, but we are finally moving forward with these programs and I couldn't be happier about it.  :)

So, what does this all mean??  I'm sure you have plenty of questions like that.  I'm going to do my best to answer them, but feel free to reply to an email with any other questions you have.  There are certainly plenty of details that will need to be worked out along the way.  Either way though.......these are exciting and historic times for Bay County swimming!  :)

Here's a breakdown of what new groups/locations are now offered with the Panama City Swim Team.

New at Mosley High School Location (Novice & Age Group Development)
In addition to Frank Brown Park and Gulf Coast State College, we will now start offering practices at Mosley High School for our Novice and Age Group levels.  There is limited space for the time being in these groups.  However, as we are able to hire more quality coaches, we will open up more and more spots at Mosley until that pool is filled up!  Our goal is to fill up the Novice & Age Group Development programs at all pools by the end of this fall.

High School Conditioning Group at Mosley
For years now, Steve Burdeshaw and many other great volunteer coaches have offered a year round conditioning program designed to prepare local swimmers to gain fitness, improve technique, and generally prepare themselves for the upcoming high school season in the fall.  However, without being a part of a USA Swimming team, those swimmers simply trained for 9 months out of the year without racing.  Well............those days are over!  All High School Conditioning swimmers (as well as Novice and Age Group Development) will be official members of the Panama City Swim Team, allowing them full access to all local and travel meets!  Coach Steve will continue to coach the program there, but will now have the additional useful resources that come with being a part of PCST.  We are all incredibly excited about this new opportunity!!

High School Conditioning Group at Frank Brown Park
In addition to the HSC Group at Mosley, PCST will also be offering the exact same style training group at Frank Brown Park for those swimmers who cannot make it to the Mosley pool.  This will be a low pressure opportunity for developing 8th graders and high school swimmers to improve their swimming in a group among their peers that is designed specifically for their needs.  Practices will not be high yardage, but rather more technique and speed oriented to get ready for the sprint season that comes iwth High School Swimming.  Coach Phillip will be coaching this group for the remainder of the school year, and then Coach Jonathan will coach it during the summer.  High School Conditioning swimmers will remain on PCST through October, but will practice with their high school team during the high school season before returning the the Tsunamis in November for more year round conditioning workouts.  It's a GREAT opportunity for everyone!!

Practices Times & Costs
While we have all of this figured out, I am still working on putting this up on the website under practice schedules, groups, etc.  All of that will be updated over the coming weeks.  I can tell you that Novice and Age Group Development will be the same price at Mosley as it is at our other locations, including the same registration process.  The High School Conditioning Group at both locations will be $275 total for May through October.  That will cover your $60 USA Swimming Annual Fee, a PCST shirt, PCST cap, PCST car magnet, and your dues through October.  Meet fees will be additional, and your $275 will be split up into two payments of $150 immediately online, and then $125 paid on July 1st through your automated debit.

Mosley will offer practice 5 days a week for all groups, while HSC will be offered 4 days a week at Frank Brown Park.  All practices will be short course with the exception of some HSC swimmers being allowed to come train long course on certain Saturdays with the Senior & Junior Groups.  Stay tuned to your email this week for more information on the practice schedule for the remainder of the school year as well as the summer.

For now though.........any swimmer interested in these groups should contact me and I will tell you all about it.  And SPREAD THE WORD!!  The best way for the rest of the community to find out about this is through you! 

Summer Splashes & Lessons Programming
Don't forget that we have Summer Splashes & Summer Lessons available at both Frank Brown Park AND Mosley High School!!  Spring Lessons at FBP are available for the next 4 weeks starting Monday, May 6th.  Then all groups will be available at both pools for 8 weeks starting June 10th.  ONLINE REGISTRATIONS HAVE ALREADY BEGUN!  Without any advertising, we are already 25% as full as we were last year.  Phillip and I just put 12,000 flyers in elementary schools yesterday, so you can imagine how quickly we will fill up.  Be sure to register right away!  No try out will be necessary to register.  We will do placements for each group after registrations in late May.

As you can tell............there is a lot going on in Bay County!  Exciting times indeed!  With the goals that Steve Burdeshaw has for this community combining with the goals and vision I have had for Bay County and the surrounding area..........this is clearly an amazing thing happening here in front of our very eyes.  Remember my favorite quote............"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."  We are creating our own path to success here Tsunamis, and it's going to be greater than anyone ever imagined!  Please continue to help make swimming in Bay County and with PCST the greatest most well organized, positive, professional and fun environment for a young athlete to train in the entire Panhandle!  Thanks for your awesome support Tsunamis!


Coach Jonathan