PCST Spring/Summer Lessons & Summer Splashes!

Exciting News About PCST Spring Lessons, Summer Lessons and Summer Splashes!

Five years ago a dream of mine began as we created the PCST Summer Splashes Swim Team in 2008.  We started with 63 swimmers that year and have grown to over 200 in 2012.  Last summer, another dream of mine became a reality as we started our first ever PCST Lessons program with "Summer Lessons".  Those 95 young swimmers pushed us to over 300 summer swimmers last year.  My goal is to get over 400 this summer and I'm going to need your help to do it!

Check out the awesome learn to swim and lessons program PCST has to offer starting immediately!!  ONLINE REGISTRATION for each of these programs has ALREADY BEGUN!!  So be sure to pass on the word throughout the community to let everyone know to join before it fills up. 

Interested in coaching??  Keep reading below!

Spring Lessons
Never before have we offered lessons in the spring.  This year we have already started with 15 new swimmers in "Session 1", and we are hoping to get another 25 or so in "Session 2".  The Spring Lessons program takes place out at Frank Brown Park and we have morning and afternoon sessions available.  Our lessons programs offer a very small coach to swimmer ratio!  The coaches doing the lessons are very experienced and great at what they do!  Get a jump start on the summer to get you ready for either Summer Lessons, Summer Splashes, or maybe even the PCST Novice group on the year round team!

Registration has begun!  To register online and get more information on Spring Lessons, click on the following link:


Summer Lessons
Last year we had an amazing 95 swimmers participating at both Frank Brown Park and Mosley High School.  This year we will be returning to both locations and hope to offer even more practice times with our amazing coaches while maintaining that same great individual attention for each swimmer.  While we were very pleased with our turn out last year, many families in the county do not even know that we offer lessons since this is only our second year coming up.  Please, help pass on the great word to your friends, families, co-workers and neighbors about our program at both locations. Sessions are 4 weeks long, and there will be two sessions this summer starting June 10th.

Registration for Summer Lessons has already begun!  To register online and get more information on Summer Lessons, click on the following link:


Summer Splashes
With the addition of Mosley High School (as well as Frank Brown Park) in 2012, our Summer Splashes Swim Team grew to an astonishing 205 swimmers last year!  Here's the awesome thing...........we have even more room for growth and we want our amazing young swimmers to have an unforgettable experience swimming this summer!  As before, we will continue with the "Squirts, Ripples & Splashes" groups at each location.  All of the swimmers will be divided into four teams who will compete frequently at the free "Fun Meets" at Frank Brown Park!  Swimmers will get the full experience of being a part of our summer swim team, and most swimmers who finish Summer Splashes will be ready for the year round swim team in the fall!

Registration for Summer Splashes has already begun!  To register online and get more information on Summer Splashes, click on the followin link:


We Need Your Help Recruiting!
Everyone knows that word of mouth is the best way to pass along information.  If you have a minute or two, please go to the front page of our website (where this email is listed as a news article), and copy/paste it into your Facebook account under your status.  Then, feel free to email to your friends, family, co-workers, church or other regilous members, neighbors, etc.  If you are receiving this through email, please feel free to print out the ATTACHED FLYER and pass it along to whomever you wish!  We will be posting this flyers in tons of daycares and all elementary schools in the county very soon.

Interested In Coaching???
We will need as many coaches as possible!  The job is a ton of fun and pays pretty darn well.  It will require CPR, First Aid and Coaches Safety Training, but PCST has two opportunities set up for you to take (if you can't get it on your own), and we will pay for your expenses to get those certifications if you use one of those two offered dates.  Please email Coach Jonathan or Coach Phillip as soon as possible if you would like to coach so we can get you on the list and in one of those certification classes.  First one is this weekend!  There will also be two additional training classes in May that Coach Phillip and I will be hosting in order to make sure all coaches are fully prepared to do a great job this summer!

Thanks for your help in passing along the word Tsunamis!  Our success as an entire program (including year round swimming), highly depends on our success of our summer programs!  The better they do, the more we are able to keep costs down for our families and offer the highest quality coaching available for all levels of the Panama City Swim Team.


Coach Jonathan

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