New Southeastern Cuts For Tsunamis At Last Chance Meet!

PCST Swimmers Take Full Advantage of Last Chance Home Meet With New Southeastern Qualifying Times!
Have I ever mentioned before how much I LOVE THIS MEET???  While it is a "PCST only" meet, there is always so much energy and smiling faces at this meet.  Of course, we have only had it for two years now, but it's brought us new best times, new Southeastern qualifiers and lots of great swims.  This year was no different as we added a new SES qualifier, as well as plenty of other cut times that bumped us up into the "Large Team Division" for the first time ever at the Southeastern Championships!!  So cool!  Here are some highlights from the PCST Last Chance Meet in July.
Campbell Gets First Summer 2012 Southeastern Championship Times!
As I said before, we got a TON of new Southeastern Championship qualifying times.  However, one swimmer in particular got her first SES cut of the summer and we could not be more proud of Maddie Campbell for her great swims!  Her fun bubbly personality showed up in full force as she used that positive attitude to propell her into getting her 50 Back cut for the 11-12 Girls age group.  Not only did that earn PCST another swimmer at the championship meet, but it also gave us two 11-12 girls relays, which moved us from 12 to 14 relays to break our all time team record for most relays at Southeasterns!  Congratulations Maddie for your great swim, and a special congratulations goes to all of the swimmers listed below who earned new SES times!  That's an amazing 15 new SES cuts in one day!
All New PCST Championship Meet Cuts!
Marisa Ashley (10&U Girls) - 100 Free
Bailey Brady (10&U Girls) - 100 Free, 50 Back
Reagan Swindler (10&U Girls) - 50 Fly
Pate Brasfield (10&U Boys) - 50 Back
Maddie Campbell (11-12 Girls) - 50 Back
Reid Metcalf (11-12 Boys) - 50 Free
Cole Tillman (11-12 Boys) - 100 Free, 50 Back, 50 Fly, 200 IM
Alex Phlegar (13-14 Boys) - 100 Back
Mitchell Christensen (15-16 Boys) - 100 Fly
Casey Pridgen (15-16 Boys) - 100 Free
Jonathan Ratliff (15-16 Boys) - 50 Free
In addition to these new championship times were a great group of swimmers who have worked their tails off all summer but fell just a tiny bit short of the necessary time to make the team trip to Knoxville.  To those swimmers I want to say.............GREAT JOB!!  Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in trying to get a qualifying time, and when you miss it your heart can feel broken.  I'm here to tell remind you that you have made tremendous progress because of your hard work and the fact that you are swimming faster than ever is something to be celebrated!!  Our entire coaching staff is so proud of you and cannot wait to see you get back to work so we can continue to improve all throughout the short course season! 
Coach Jonathan

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