Duderstadt Moves Up In Rankings at Olympic Trials!

First Ever Olympic Trials For Michael Duderstadt and Panama City Swim Team!

Considering how difficult it is to qualify for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team Trials competition in Omaha, Nebraska, it is nothing short of astonishing to see that over 1,800 athletes from over 600 teams showed up with dreams, hopes and aspirations of their own at the world's most intense meet.  Each and every swimmer in the meet had to put together a mind numbing training regimen in order to earn a spot among the nation's elite.  For some it was a culmination of a career, while for others it may have been a coming out party.  Regardless of the competitive status of each individual at the US Olympic Trials, one thing was for certain: it was amazing!

For Tsunami swimmer, Michael Duderstadt, it was certainly not the culimination of a long swimming career.  In fact, the 17 year old "Duder" has only been swimming competitively for three years now.  Some may hear that and think "how unfair that he's only been swimming a few years and he's already qualified for Trials!"  But the reality of it is that from the moment Duder joined PCST back in November of 2010, he instantly started shooting for the stars.  While it hasn't been until recent months that the upcoming Mosley Senior started to truly believe he had a shot at qualifying for the Olympic Trials, he has always been striving to be the best on the team from the instant he joined.  And let's face the truth here...........there is a difference between wanting to be the best and WILLING to do whatever it takes to be the best.

Although the Panama City Swim Team has been in existence since the 1960's, never before had the Tsunamis (or Sailfish as we were formerly known), qualified a swimmer for the most intense competition in the world.  And you better believe that statement about the intensity is as true as it gets!  Whether you are a veteran swimmer trying to qualify for one of those elusive and illustrious spots on the 2012 Olympic Team, or a brand spankin new "fresh meat" swimmer with nerves rattling your bones, let it be known that Trials can bring out both the best and worst in you.  It is for that reason that I am incredibly proud of our up coming and always improving star in Michael Duderstadt.  Of course he was nervous to be a part of one of the fastest meets in the entire world while competing against the greatest swimmers of all time.  However..........he looked, acted and believed in the fact that he belonged there, which is something that makes him wise beyond his years.

Over the course of the week, the Duderstadt family and I experienced things that many of us had only dreamed of.  To be standing and swimming shoulder to shoulder with the greatest athletes, coaches, trainers and fans in the world was something that each of us will never forget.  But I have to be honest with you all..............the entire time we were there, we felt at home from the moment we got there.  My head was constantly racing with ideas on how we are going to improve the team, inspire our young swimmers, and start making true progress towards achieving our next major team goal throughout the up coming quadrennial. 

PCST Team Goal: We want to qualify at least 5 PCST swimmers for the Olympic Trials in 2016!! 

But we do not want to stop there...............we want to put at least 1 Tsunami in the championship final of Trials four years from now.  So my question to you is ...............do you have what it takes to train your hardest, dedicate yourself to achieving your goals, and make history??  I believe you do!

Before we move on to preparing for 2016, let's enjoy the accomplishments and experience of our first ever Olympic Trials qualifier and congratulate Michael Duderstadt for his great swims in Omaha.  While Duder may not have gone any best times at the meet, he did have very good swims!  In fact, in his 200 Breast he was perfectly on pace for a best time through the 150 (3rd lap), but fell off at the end due to the fact that he had been resting for nearly 5 weeks at that point, which is something that was out of our control.  Either way though, he still swam well enough to move up in position in his first race ever at Trials and not many young athletes can say that.  Plus, out of the measly 15 swimmers in the Men's 200 Breast (There were nearly 130 total!)who were of the age 17 or younger, he finished 10th, which means he has a VERY promising future and is among a VERY elite group of young swimmers.

100 Breast Time Trial
1:06.32 (13th overall); only 0.93 off of best time

200 Breast Individual Event
2:22.80 (105th overall); only 2.18 off of best time (moved up 25 spots from his original position!!)

50 Free Time Trial
24.62 (disqualified for false start); only 0.20 off of best time............he was pretty excited, what can I say?  :)

As we sit back and enjoying the unpredictable and exciting Olympic Games in London, let us remember a few things.  Every athlete on that television started from the bottom and worked their way up to the top through hard work, dedication and committment to excellence.  Every Olympic athlete you see has had to overcome injury, adversity and failure.  Every person you aspire to be like on that US Olympic Swimming Team has bounced back time and time again as they continue to challenge themselves to improve and never settle when it comes to their dreams.  Let us learn from these phenomenal athletes so that we too can reach deep inside of ourselves to realize our true potential. 

Remember "Do not follow where the path may lead; Go, instead; where there is no path and leave a trail."

Congratulations again to Duder for making your own path.............your work ethic, great sportsmanship, leadership on the team and positive attitude towards achieving your dreams is infectious and continues to inspire all of us on a personal level.  Here's to the next step, the next level and the next great achievement!  I sincerely look forward to working with you on setting new goals and working to achieve them.  But more importantly, I look forward to watching you bring many of our awesome Tsunamis with you next time around!


Coach Jonathan

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