Ways To Follow The Journey To Olympic Trials in Omaha!

Your Go-To News Source For Following PCST Swimmer Michael Duderstadt To Olympic Trials in Omaha June 25-July2!!

updated 6/29

This day in age, there are so many media avenues to keep up with, it is hard to follow all of them at once.  With PCST sending its first ever swimmer to the United States Olympic Trials in Omaha this coming week, my goal is to make sure that you have every opportunity to follow our young aspiring Tsunami, Michael Duderstadt, on his quest to compete and excel side by side with the best in the world.  As we receive new articles, interviews, t.v. stories, Facebook updates, Twitter updates and other great media outlets to check out, I will continue to update this news article so you can enjoy the ride along with Michael and show him your support.

Want To Support Michael With A Positive Message?
Send an email to Coach Jonathan at coach_jonathan@hotmail.com (that's an underscore symbol) with your message and I will post it to the bottom of this news article for all of our Tsunamis to read. 

Welcome to the PCST Olympic Trials Center!

Most of our PCST families are seeing this for the first time as an email.  If you would like to return to the actual news article, go to the front page of the PCST website at www.panamacityswimteam.com so you can keep up with my updates of this page.

News Channel 7 WJHG TV Stories
Check out the initial reporting story on our local NBC affiliate that aired tonight, June 19th.  They will be doing a full length follow up story later this week, so come on back later for more great stories.


Check out the more full length story from today, (Tuesday).  I cannot find the link to the video, but it gives you the actual text of the story.


Check out the follow up story with Scott Rossman after Duder completed Trials


Check out the live phone interview with Meredith Terhaar on the morning show with News Channel 7.


News Channel 13 WMBB TV Story
Check out the inital reporting story on News Channel 13 that aired tonight, June 19th.  They will be doing a full length follow up story later this week, so be sure to check back.


News Herald Newspaper Articles
Check out the great newspaper article from Friday, June 22nd.


Check out the newspaper article from Friday, June 29th.


Watch Olympic Trials Live On TV and Online
Check out the link below so you too can follow Trials on t.v. as well as online using their live webcast.  Duder's 200 Breast will be on Thursday morning, June 28th.  The finals at night will be the races that determine our 2012 Olympic Team for the London Games.


Coach Jonathan's PCST Facebook Page
A few years ago I created a Facebook page dedicated to PCST material and news only.  Anyone can be friends with me on this page.  It is completely family friendly and is a great place to see PCST pictures, read Tsunami stories and get updates about all things PCST.  Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to check it out.  I will be updating stuff on there from Omaha for sure!  The name on the account is "Pcst Jonathan"

Coach Jonathan's Twitter Account
Gasp!!!!...............I know...............catch your breath.  I am finally giving in and will create a Twitter account so you can follow our journey to Olympic Trials and beyond as we get ready for the ATAC Prelims/Finals Meet, Southeasterns, Junior Nationals this summer!  You can follow me on Twitter under the username "TsunamiCoach".

Meet Mobile Phone App
Follow all of Olympic Trials every step of the way on Meet Mobile.  Check it out at the following link.


USA Swimming's Olympic Trials Home Webpage
This is where I go to learn all things Olympic Trials.  You too can use this site to follow the Trials the closest since it is USA Swimming's home page.

Olympic Trials Psych Sheet
Check out the list of swimmers and times so you can see just how fast this meet is!  It puts things into perspective when you see the elite group of swimmers Duder will be competing against.  Certainly is no picnic!  Duder is on page 24 and is seeded 128th out of 134.  Crazy huh?  However, there are only 15 swimmers age 17 and younger (Duder is 17) in the 200 Breast.  And of those 15, only four are age 15-16.  This means Duder is one of the younger male competitors in the entire meet!  Can't wait!


PCST Encouraging Words Message Board
I'll get things started so you can see what I mean.

Message From Coach Jonathan
While Duder will be getting a lot of attention for his amazing accomplishment and exciting trip to Trials, I want to congratulate all of the Tsunamis first.  Without the help of our incredible volunteers, assistant coaches, supportive parents and local community members, the Panama City Swim Team would never have reached the point where we could send a swimmer to Olympic Trials.  And to all of our hard working aspiring Tsunami Swimmers...............our teammates.............congratulations to you too because as you will soon find out, no single swimmer can accomplish their goals on their own.  We rely daily on the support, encouragement and challenges presented by our teammates.  While Duder is the one making the trip this time around, as far as I'm concerned, the entire team will be represented in Omaha and I couldn't be prouder of all of the hard work our Tsunamis have put in over the years to reach this point.

With that being said............Duder................my best advice to you is to remember what got you here and don't change a thing.  You work so incredibly hard, you're ultra determined and dedicated, you are a fantastic teammate and coach, and it is very easy to root for you because of those great qualities.  Keep them and hold onto them with a strong grip because that positive and humble attitude will be what takes you to the next level beyond the Olympic Trials.  Congratulations!

Message From Sylvia Parzentny
What an inspiration!  I will follow and share his progress with my 9 year old son who is just starting out now with the Summer Splashes program.  As a mom and sports enthusiast I watch my son and recognize his strong but juvenile stroke wondering too if he'll want to pursue this sport seeing his talent and ability.  So be a hero and inspiration to us all at home Duder!

Message From The Isaziga Family
Hey Michael! We are excited for you, your family, your coach & the pcst. We will be praying for you to be safe in this amazing journey. Thanks for having the courage to dream big & going for it. Giving others the chance to hope for that same dream even more. Continue to swim strong & kick some butt.
                                      The Isazigas

Message From Nan and Carl

 I just wanted to you know that we are all extremely proud of you and your accompilshments. I wanted to let you know that Nan and I will be praying for you this week. These 3 verses keep coming to my mind as I was praying for you. Maybe they will be meaningful to you as well.

Esther 4:14 NIV
And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this".
Philippians 1:6 NIV
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In His Grip,
Bro. Carl


Coach Jonathan

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