Tsunamis Post Highest National Rankings Ever!

PCST Finishes In Top 10 Overall Among All Southeastern Swim Teams!

Picture this.................Frank Brown Park had been open for just 2 short months.  The Panama City Swim Team had 65 swimmers TOTAL split up between both pools.  Facebook was just getting to the point where it was a staple in our society.  Florida State football was......................well......................not as good as many of us would have liked, and Coach Jonathan didn't didn't have nearly as many "smile lines".  (Some call them wrinkles, I call them smile lines.) :) 

The year was 2006 (June to be exact) and the Tsunamis had just finished with their short course season of being ranked 952nd in the country.  The previous long course season ranked PCST as 1292nd in the country out of about 2,800-3,000 total teams.  We were ranked 23rd in Southeastern Swimming for short course and 35th overall for long course out of about 70 teams.  My oh my how times have changed.

Today we stand strong with over 200 year round swimmers, an additional 115 summer swimmers, 3 full time coaches, 6 part time coaches and we are still ONE GREAT FAMILY!  But we are better than ever and you need to look no further than the national and Southeastern Swimming rankings to see that.  With the 2010-2011 season coming to a close, the Tsunamis once again have ranked higher than ever and scored more points than ever in the USA Swimming Virtual Club Championships.

Here are our improved rankings over the years since the inception of the program back in 2003.

Long Course Team Rankings
2003-2004: Ranked 1373 nationally and 31st in SES...................12, 067 points
2004-2005: Ranked 1184 nationally and 30th in SES...................18,299 points
2005-2006: Ranked 1292 nationally and 35th in SES...................16,225 points
2006-2007: Ranked 491 nationally and 11th in SES......................61,618 points
2007-2008: Ranked 514 nationally and 12th in SES......................61,519 points
2008-2009: Ranked 481 nationally and 11th in SES......................67,519 points
2009-2010: Ranked 367 nationally and 11th in SES......................85,413 points
2010-2011: Ranked 358 nationally and 9th in SES........................89,233 points

Short Course Team Rankings
2003-2004: Ranked 1253 nationally and 30th in SES.....................24,417 points
2004-2005: Ranked 1059 nationally and 26th in SES.....................33,799 points
2005-2006: Ranked 952 nationally and 23rd in SES.......................41,984 points
2006-2007: Ranked 595 nationally and 14th in SES.......................69,521 points
2007-2008: Ranked 529 nationally and 13th in SES.......................75,606 points
2008-2009: Ranked 609 nationally and 14th in SES.......................73,429 points
2009-2010: Ranked 422 nationally and 11th in SES.......................94,621 points
2010-2011: Ranked 416 nationally and 9th in SES.........................98,418 points

While I realize that most of you do not understand how we get our point totals, I am including them for you to see just how much we have improved.  It is great to see that our overall rankings have continued to improve, but those numbers are compared to other teams in the country (most of which have also improved).  It is becoming increasingly difficult to break into the top 300 overall in the country.  The point totals, however, are a consistent year to year comparison showing how much we have improved as a team because it compares PCST to PCST.

Team Goal is 100,000 Points in 2011-2012!
Our big team goal in the 2011-2012 season is to break the 100,000 point total for both long course and short course!  The season started September 1st and will run through the end of August, 2012!  Our point totals go up based on the total number of swimmers participating as well as improving how fast we are swimming.  Higher numbers and faster swimming will both help the Tsunamis reach our goal of 100,000 points this year!

Want To Learn More About The Virtual Club Championships?
If you would like to read more and learn more about how the Virtual Club Championships work, go to the following link to read about it and check up on the progress of the Tsunamis as the year continues.  You may want to check out the Club Excellence and Club Recognition programs as well because you will be hearing more about those as the year progresses!


Congratulations Tsunamis!  Your hard work is paying off!  Now we have to work even harder than ever to move up in the national rankings and see if we can get into the Top 300 overall.  Wouldn't it be cool to say we are in the top 10% in the entire country???


Coach Jonathan