Bronnenberg Competes at US Nationals!

Cody Bronnenberg Becomes First Tsunami To Represent PCST at United States Nationals!

For those of you who know Cody or have had the pleasure of meeting him, you would agree with me when I say that earning a spot at Nationals was well deserved for a outstanding individual.  Since I have already written lengthy email after email after email about our trip to Nationals, I am not going to go into detail again about it.  However, I would like to share with you a few things that have made Cody stand out as a leader on this team over the years.  And now that he has moved on to swim for at one of the most elite teams and training environments in the country with the Florida Gators, he finally gets to show the rest of the world what makes him so special.

This young man is a perfect example of how hard work, consistency and persistence can get you nearly anywhere you want to be.  From the time I met Cody when he was a pudgy (yes, I can say he was pudgy because it was true and he knows it, haha) 14 year old boy, he has always been a determined individual.  I honestly have no idea if Cody had dreams all along of making it to Nationals in high school and moving on to swim for one of the Top 5 ranked programs in the entire country.  If he did, he kept it to himself for the most part until it was at his fingertips. 

The reality of it is that Cody just kept working.  He set his goals and sights just outside of where he was and always strived to move forward that season.  He never ever missed a practice unless it was out of his control, and even swam on Sundays on his own because he knew it would make a difference down the road.  As a freshman, when others were happy that he made it to States, he knew where he really wanted to be and made Top 8 overall.  When it came time to make the next jump forward in his swimming, he would talk with me, we would put the plan in action and he would do everything it took to make sure he was ready when the time came for him to swim his fastest.  Every practice, every set, even on his worst days, Cody would say "yes sir" and would get the job done.  And as you can imagine, each and every goal along the way was achieved.

For the last two years of his high school career, he was a one man "National Team" at each of the larger meets he qualifed for and later attended.  At the NCSA Juniors in 2010, it was myself and Cody.  At the Summer 2010 Junior Nationals in Califonia and the Winter 2010 Junior Nationals in Atlanta, once again, it was myself and Cody.  So when we went to Nationals together this summer, there was some a unique combination of a new adventure with a familiar face as we prepared for our last "Coach and Cody" trip.  Palo Alto would serve as one of the most memorable weeks of my life and I could not have shared it with a better young man.  While Cody did not have the enjoyment of achieving his top goal of qualifying for the Olympic Trials, it is still important for him and for all of us to appreciate just how much he HAS achieved by making it all the way to Nationals out of little ole Bay County.

The real reward for the achievement and success that Cody has enjoyed over the years comes in the form of the amazing group of swimmers coming up behind him.  Because he has been such a model young individual for the Tsunamis all these years, and because he has paved the way through to all of the higher level national meets, we now have a large group of swimmers who don't just hope to reach those heights one day, they are working their rear ends off to get there because Cody has given them the blueprint for how to get it done.  Genuine inspiration is one of the greatest gifts you can pass on to a teammate and I know without a doubt that Cody has provided that for the Tsunamis.

Thanks to that inner drive that helped "Co Co" lead the way these past few years, now we have any number of swimmers who will soon emerge, not as the next Cody, but the first "______" (fill in your name here) to pave the path even further down the line for future generations of PCST swimmers.  Congratulations Cody, on not only a fantastic achievement for getting to the most elite meet in the country this year, but for an unforgettable PCST career.  I personally am very thankful for you and wish you the best of luck with the Gators.

Cody Bronnenberg's Swims at Nationals in Palo Alto, California

100 Breast (1:07.84) Finishes 122nd Overall

200 Breast (2:27.11) Finishes 129th Overall

100  Back Time Trial (1:00.52)

100 Breast Time Trial (1:07.56)


Coach Jonathan

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