PCST Banquet Recognizes Hard Workers!

Swimmer Receive Awards at "First In A Long Time" Banquet!

When we finally decided to move forward with having a PCST banquet again, we figured it would be small and easy the first time around, just to get our feet wet.  However, if you ask anyone who attended the banquet, it was no small potatoes event!  Thanks to the incredible help of Beth Spencer and Debby Hove, our evening at the First Baptist Church in Panama City was absoultely gorgeous!  We shared a lot of laughs, an incredibly tasty meal, plenty of rare pictures of beautiful swimmers dressed up, and applause for those who earned top awards this year.  And thanks to Kathy Gelsleichter, we were able to look back on the year and beyond with a fantastic slide show that had us smiling the entire rest of the night.

For those of you who missed out on the event............I hate to brag..............but you really missed out!  We will absolutely be having another one in 2012 and will be looking at a new date as well as even more ways to make the evening that much more special for everyone involved.  This year we had around 130 people at the banquet and I would like to get between 200-250 at our next one.  Considering how much fun we had that Saturday night, I do not think that will be a problem at all!

Congratulations to the awards winners from the 2010-2011 swim seasons!

Top Performance Awards
8 & Under Girls: Marisa Ashley
8 & Under Boys: Tristan Gandy
9-10 Girls: Amelia Talkington
9-10 Boys: Nico Gobel
11-12 Girls: Kalanne Krause
11-12 Boys: Chad McGuire
13-14 Girls: Hannah Retherford
13-14 Boys: Jonathan Ratliff
Senior Girls: Victoria Hove
Senior Boys: Cody Bronnenberg

Leadership Awards
Novice: Corey Casey
Age Group II: Brian Giacobbi
Age Group I: Alexis Hall
Senior II: Fallon Gelsleichter
Senior I: Chet Seaman

Most Improved Awards
Novice Boys: Bray Spann
Novice Girls: Valeria Veras
Age Group Boys: Cole Tillman
Age Group Girls: Maddie Campbell
Senior Boys: JD Clutch
Senior Girls: Shannon Doyle

Congratulations to all of our hard working winners!  The best part about coaching this team is knowing that there are so many other swimmers out there that could have potentially won these awards and they too would have been very deserving.  But the swimmers listed here have gone above and beyond in so many ways and this is just a small way for us to say "WELL DONE!"  Now let's get to work on being the best we can be for next year!


Coach Jonathan