3 Tsunamis Make the SES Long Course All-Star Team!

Krause, Troia and Ratliff Make The Southeastern All-Star Team!

At the conclusion of each swimming season (Short Course in March and Long Course in August), Southeastern Swimming announces their All-Star team.  The prestigious group of swimmers comes from a list of achievements they need to qualify for in order to be named to the All-Star team.  As you can imagine, this is a pretty tough list and not easy to do!  For years PCST would at best have an occasional swimmer on the All-Star team, but for the past few seasons we’ve had at least three swimmers on it each time.  This long course season is no exception.

I am proud to announce that 3 of your Tsunamis have made the 2010 Southeastern Swimming Long Course All-Star Team!  Congratulations to Kalanne Krause, Kari Troia and Jonathan Ratliff for finishing in the top 5 in individual events for the final long course rankings.  This is not to be confused with the rankings from the Southeastern Swimming Championship swim meet.  It is the final season rankings for each event, including kids that had already aged up before the SES long course championship meet.  That just means it’s even tougher to qualify.

Congratulations Tsunamis!  Let’s get even more on the All-Star Team for short course!

Tsunamis on the Southeastern All-Star Team
Kari Troia (10 & Under Girls) 50 Breast (3rd), 100 Breast (2nd)
Kalanne Krause (11-12 Girls) 100 Free (4th), 200 Free (4th), 200 Back (4th), 400 IM (3rd)
Jonathan Ratliff (13-14 Boys) 200 Fly (5th)


Coach Jonathan

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