Expanding, Growing and Ever Changing
Hey everyone,
We hope you are starting off the year in a great way! We have lots of exciting things happening with the team this year! We are steadily growing and new things are being added as we grow. Have you been to the new website? www.panamacityswimteam.com It has some awesome new features, for instance you can see your individual swimmer’s stats, the team stats, view the calendar for upcoming events, see the documents such as team handbook, new rules and regulations etc., view your account information and if there is a change in your accounts you are able to make the changes on the website 24/7. Keep checking the website. We will continue to change, add and better the site in efforts to make it the most user friendly and helpful site and team for all to enjoy.
This website is offering lots of flexibility and new features constantly. We are working hard to get this website and team up and running very effectively as quickly as possible but we are all volunteers and it does take lots of man hours and organization to get these things smoothed out. Billing is one of our top issues at this time so please be aware of the message below and log in to your account, set up your information and let’s work together to get this task accomplished. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any of the board members and we will be glad to assist you in any way possible. Also, if you have ideas or want to volunteer to help in any facet of the team please let us know. We are a non-profit organization so we have various rules that we are governed by so ideas and volunteer objectives need to go through the board for approval so that we can stay in line with all areas of the non-profit status and company guidelines.
As per 21JAN2009...
Effective February 15th, 2009; any account that is past due must enroll in an auto-pay option to remain on the team. Effective March 15th; any account that is still past due will be suspended and will not be allowed in the pool until their account is brought current. A reinstatement fee of $20.00 will also be charged to your account. Additionally, effective with the March billing cycle, past due accounts will not be allowed to participate in meets until the account is brought current.
If for some reason you did not receive the document befor you may view it in the documents section of the website.
Thank you so much for your support of the team and your understanding of working out the kinks as we develop an awesome family of Tsunami’s.
Mary Ellen Fitzgerald
PCST Secretary